The Pickle Palace, makers extraordinaire of chutneys, pickles and jams. A Social Enterprise that uses as much fruit and vegetables from locally sourced farm shops, allotments and supermarkets as we can rescue from landfill, all lovingly upcycled into absolutely fantastic products.
With an ethos of joining communities together, wasting no food and helping others do the same, our very own pay as you feel markets are now open;
Monday 10.30-11.30 at Strathmore Road Methodist Church Rowlands Gill
Thursday 10.30 - 11.30 at Greenside Cricket Club.
We offer this to everyone, whether you need help with the weekly food bill, need to get out and meet people or just coming along to share all of the rescued food (donated to us from supermarkets, Fareshare and Amazon Fresh) we’re here for EVERYONE. There are no restrictions to entry, we’re here for you all and we’re not a food bank.
We rely on donations which will then be used to fund our enterprise, bringing more opportunities to our community and so we ask for a donation of £3 for a bag of food from our community markets.
nobody would ever be turned away however so we have 'Pay Forward' vouchers which are donated so everyone can come, even if you cannot afford the £3
Why not pop along!
We’d love to see you!
Hannah and Julie xxx
lunch club
On the last Friday of every month, we hold a Lunch Club at Greenside Cricket Club.
It is £5.50 for a two course home made lunch, which includes a main course, desert with tea/coffee.
Please book your place for lunch by contacting the following in advance:
Hannah : 07753 759 476 or Julie : 07951 425 770